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girls in the field looking at the sun



November 13, 2023

Technology Safety: What Should You Know?

Technology continues to evolve, which can be difficult for people experiencing domestic violence and stalking.

Tired Student Sleeping during a Class

November 13, 2023

Know the Signs of Human Trafficking

It's helpful to understand some of the different signs of human trafficking because it's often happening within your community.

A man in a dark background

November 13, 2023

Human Trafficking: Common Misconceptions

Human trafficking is often portrayed a certain way in the movies that perpetuates some common myths.

Power and Control Diagram

November 13, 2023

The Power & Control Wheel

The Power & Control Wheel is a useful tool to talk about how abusive partners use different tactics to maintain power and control over another person.

Facts vs Myths

November 13, 2023

Domestic Violence: Common Misconceptions

There are many misconceptions about domestic violence. We want to help share the truth about them.

Know Your Rights

November 13, 2023

Domestic Violence Victims Have Rights

All domestic violence victims in Iowa have rights. We can help you understand them.


November 6, 2023

A Place to Call Home

I actually did it.  I got out. It still feels surreal to say it – I never thought I would want to leave, let alone find the strength to go through with it. He got me to believe that I deserved it all. “He wouldn’t do this if you were a better partner,” I’d think […]


November 6, 2023

A Bad Student or a Domestic Violence Survivor?

Tick. Tick. Tick. Could time move any slower?? Brent* was struggling to keep his eyelids open, let alone pretend to pay attention, while the English teacher droned on and on about participles and subjunctive tenses and….oh honestly, she might as well have been speaking French. He hated English. The teacher probably hated him for sleeping […]


November 6, 2023

Letter to Teens: What I Wish I Had Known About Love

To my lovestruck teenage friends: First off, I’m not judging you. After all, I was you for a lot of years. And if I’m honest, sometimes I still fall into your dreamy, can’t-see-past-that-gorgeous-smile ways. I know you want to be in love. And I’m sure this guy or girl in your life seems like the best thing to ever […]


November 6, 2023

When Home Isn’t Safe

We’re pretty good at safety in the US. We teach our kids to look both ways before crossing the road. We tell them not to talk to or take candy from a stranger. We lock our homes and cars, put up cameras, and install alarm systems. As an added layer of security, some of us […]